Mar 14, 2025  
NIACC Catalog 2025-2026 
NIACC Catalog 2025-2026

ADN Option for Licensed Practical Nurses, A.A.S.

Licensed Practical Nurses who meet the following criteria will be eligible to enter the Associate Degree Nursing program on a space-available basis. Individuals considering enrollment or currently enrolled in the nursing program should be aware that prior felony convictions may prohibit eligibility for licensure upon completion of the program. Licensure application requires legal presence in the United States including a social security number, U.S. visa or U.S. green card. English proficiency recommendations for the licensure exam are identified by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

The applicant must complete the application process through the health professions counselor located in the Student Development Office.

Eligibility into ADN - 103 Nursing II  requires the following:

  1. A current, unencumbered LPN license.
  2. Graduation from an approved licensed practical nursing program with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA in each nursing course. A minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA in the ADN prerequisite courses. Completion of ALL prerequisite and general education courses required for ADN - 103 Nursing II  with at least a C in each course. A minimum overall 2.0 NIACC GPA is required to enter the program and must be maintained throughout the program.
  3. Any transfer student applying for admission, who has been enrolled in a nursing curriculum other than NIACC, will be required to meet with the Nurse Administrator, Practical and Associate Degree Nursing, to discuss placement in the curriculum after the following items have been received from the transfer institution: course syllabi, clinical placement documentation (hours/sites) reflecting sufficient theory, clinical hours, and experiences comparable to the first year of the ADN curriculum. The student will also, upon written authorization, allow contact with instructors from the transfer institution regarding theory, clinical, and overall student conduct from the administrator of the nursing program at the transfer institution. Information acquired from these contacts will be considered in acceptance and proper placement into the NIACC nursing curriculum.
  4. Participation in a mandatory orientation prior to entering the program.

Eligibility for placement into ADN - 603 Nursing III  requires these additional criteria:

  1. B grade or higher in all Practical Nursing program courses.
  2. Completion of ALL prerequisite and general education courses required for ADN - 603 Nursing III  with a C or higher in each course.
  3. Completion of the following course–Expanded Intravenous Therapy for the Licensed Practical Nurse (Iowa Board of Nursing curriculum).
  4. Completion of the Mandatory Reporting course within the last three years.

Because assignment to the proper course is contingent on multiple factors, students are encouraged to apply at least a year before the desired date of entering the program. Final placement in the appropriate nursing course will be determined by the faculty in June prior to fall start.

In the event a student is not successful in a nursing course, the student will be required to apply for re-entry into the program on a space-available basis.

Further information is provided to the ADN student in the individual program handbook. A copy of the current ADN Handbook  is available on request from the Health Division and is posted on the ADN program website. NIACC’s ADN Program Outcomes  are also available online. An applicant that plans to license in another state is advised to contact the state board of nursing for specific licensure requirements. Assistance to obtain state licensure requirements is available upon request.

Students should be aware that they will travel a distance for various clinical experience and that some clinical experiences will be scheduled during evening/night hours and weekends. Online access for web-enhanced course assignments is required. Computer labs on campus are available during designated hours.

Drug testing may be required by individual agencies. Criminal background checks and adult/dependent abuse checks will be required for all incoming students and students reentering the program. Costs for requirements will be the responsibility of the student.


The following required courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher:

A minimum overall 2.0 NIACC GPA is required to enter the program and must be maintained throughout the program.

**Anatomy and Physiology I and II must be completed within five years of beginning the nursing program. If greater than five years have lapsed, students are eligible to waive this requirement if they earn a science score of 70% or higher on the HESI Admission Assessment. Anatomy and Physiology I must be completed prior to enrolling in ADN-103. Anatomy and Physiology II must be completed prior to entering ADN-603. Students enrolling in Anatomy and Physiology I or II should plan on taking both semesters of the sequence at NIACC or the same college.

Computer Technology

Since the NCLEX-RN exam is a computerized test, computer competencies are strongly recommended.

Other elements of the selection process include high school and college GPA and ACT scores. All criteria for the ADN program apply and should be reviewed. This information must be in the applicant’s file before the admissions committee will act on the application. Upon acceptance, a physical examination providing evidence of current immunization and sound physical and mental health is required.

Since the applicant’s progress toward meeting prerequisites and admission requirements must be tracked, applicants to the Licensed Practical Nursing to Associate Degree Nursing program must complete the application process through the health professions counselor located in the Student Development Office. Expected date of graduation will determine when the application to the program must be submitted.

Students must attain a C grade in all ADN courses and prescribed support courses to continue in the ADN program. An overall 2.00 GPA in the prescribed curriculum and a minimum overall cumulative college grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation from this program.

Further information regarding end-of-program student learning outcomes, progression in the program, and specific program policies is provided to the ADN student in the individual program handbook. Students are provided this handbook during the first ADN class day. Students are referred to this handbook throughout the program. A copy of the ADN Student Handbook is available on request from the Health Division and is posted on the ADN program website.

Career Opportunities

  • Hospitals, nursing facilities, and clinics
  • Health maintenance organizations
  • Private offices and clinics of doctors and dental surgeons
  • Government agencies and the military
  • Visiting nurse associations
  • Community Healthcare agencies
  • Temporary staffing agencies
  • Entrepreneurial ventures

Students must attain a C grade in all nursing courses and prescribed courses. An overall 2.00 GPA in the prescribed curriculum and a minimum overall cumulative college grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation from the ADN program.

Upon successful completion of the Associate Degree Nursing curriculum and assigned comprehensive review activities, the student is awarded an Associate in Applied Science Degree and is eligible for the NCLEX-RN exam. After passing this examination, the graduate receives registered nurse status.

The program is approved by the Iowa Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).

Contact information for ACEN:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)

3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400

Atlanta, GA 30326


Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing – The leading authority for nursing education accreditation (

Required Courses/Suggested Schedule

The following are the prerequisite courses and support courses required prior to beginning the nursing aspect of the curriculum. These courses must be completed with a minimum of a C grade.

Prescribed Curriculum

Total: 17 s.h.

Second Term (Spring)

Total: 15 s.h.

Third Term (Fall)

Total: 15.5 s.h.

*Prescribed support courses which may be taken prior to entering the program.

**Anatomy Physiology I and II must be taken within 5 years of beginning the program. Anatomy and Physiology I must be completed prior to entering ADN 103 . Anatomy and Physiology II must be completed prior to entering ADN 603 . Students enrolling in Anatomy and Physiology I or II should plan on taking both semesters of the sequence at NIACC or the same college.

NOTE: American Heart Association BLS Healthcare Professional CPR or the American Red Cross BLS for Healthcare Providers certification is required. CPR certification must be kept current while in the program. A complete Physical  with associated Immunizations  is required as well an initial two-step TB test or QuantiFERON TB Gold Blood Test lab report within the last year and annual one-step TB testing thereafter, without lapse.

Students seeking entrance into the nursing program should be aware that nursing courses with a clinical component may not be taken by a person:

  • who has been denied licensure by the Iowa Board of Nursing;
  • whose licensure is currently suspended, surrendered or revoked in any United States jurisdiction;
  • whose license/registration is currently suspended, surrendered or revoked in another country due to disciplinary action.