*Appropriate math level needed before enrolling in any math class. MAT - 156 Introduction to Statistics is recommended if transferring to University of Nothern Iowa or if pursuing a research-focused major area of study,
**If transferring to Iowa State University, consider courses from U.S. Diversity/International Perspectives.
^If transferring to the University of Iowa, consider courses from the General Education lists of International & Global Issues; Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts; and Values, Society, and Diversity. If transferring to UNI, consider HIS - 254 American Indian History (Non-Western Culture requirement).
+If transferring to UNI, take BCA - 101 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems and SPC - 132 Group Communication .
Note: Please check with transfer institution for their specific requirements or check with a NIACC counselor/advisor for further transfer planning. UNI lists Journalism as a minor course of study on its web site.
- AA Degree meets the General Education requirements for the College of Liberal Arts at most transfer institutions.
- Check with transfer institution for Foreign Language requirement.
- Admission requirements vary from institution to institution. Contact the transfer institution or check with a NIACC counselor/advisor for assistance.
- Suggested schedule dependent on entry level of student.