Feb 06, 2025  
NIACC Catalog 2020-2021 
NIACC Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tool and Die Technology, A.A.S.

Tool and Die Technology is a five-semester Degree program which is a continuation of the General Machinist Diploma program. The Tool and Die Technology program builds upon the previous studies with an in-depth study of high-precision industrial dies and die components, progressive dies, and plastics industry molds. A portion of the program is devoted to producing computer-aided drawings (CAD) of molds and dies, and then using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software to generate computer numerical control (CNC) machine language. Students operate CNC machine tools to produce many of their second year projects. While taking MFG - 408 Basic Diemaking , students will have an opportunity to earn the National Institute for Metalworking Skills credential for Materials, Measurement and Safety.

Career Opportunities

  • Mold builder
  • Operate/set up complex CNC equipment
  • Tool maker
  • Die maker
  • CNC programmer
  • Quality Control Inspector
  • Gage maker
  • Instrument maker
  • CAD/CAM technician

Upon successful completion of the Tool and Die Technology curriculum with a grade point average of 2.00 (C) or higher, the student is awarded an Associate in Applied Science Degree. Program graduates are prepared to work in the “tool room” of area manufacturers or to work for a specialty tool and die shop producing dies and molds for a large variety of production machines in our area.

Entrance Advising

Due to the highly technical nature of this program and NIACC’s commitment to giving students the best possible opportunity for success, students are scheduled for advisement sessions with counselors and/or program personnel. In these sessions, the student’s career plans, previous background, transcripts, test scores, life experiences, and motivation aid in designing a positive educational experience.

Required Courses/Suggested Schedule

First Year

Second Year

Total Program Hours: 77 s.h.

*Math Requirement – Students are required to complete MFG 137  and MFG 138  OR MAT 801 , MAT 802 , MAT 803 , and MAT 804 .